Application „Olsztyn24” allows to browse the news on the site
Main view
After loading the page, app displays a list of news from website Items are sorted by date of publication, so that the latest news can be found at the top of the list. Each item on the list has a title, thumbnail image, publication date and a short description. By clicking on the item in the list, user will go to the full text of selected news.
Bar at the bottom of screen displays currently viewing page and allows to navigate between previous and next page.
By clicking on the logo in the upper left corner, user can go to the list of latest news.
View of selected news
After clicking an item on the list of news, the user is moved to the full news. There is a full text of news, and double click the image causes it to increase the size to the entire screen.
By clicking on the logo or "Wstecz" button, user can go to the list of latest news.