TYPO3 CMS system has proved to be a very good solution for the construction of a large portal system. We have configured it to handle 6 independent domains, and the extensive possibilities of grouping the user's rights gave specific tasks to different city office departments. Through the portal can be updated simultaneously by many editors. Built-in editing tools allow for easy management of site content without IT staff, who now have more time on strategic tasks.

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System modules

The system can be divided into a standard module CMS TYPO3 such as:

- sub-pages Content Managemen,

- news Module,

- content search engine,

- newsletter,

- gallery,

and modules that were written or adapted by us:

-  e-cards module,

- forecast module,

- gallery bar module,

- textbooks market module,

-  educational institutions search module,

- events calendar module,

- city office phonebook module,

- contact form module and other modules.

The content management system allows to add content to site subpages. Content can be placed by the RTE editor, which allows to text formatting. We can choose from many other types of content such as many multimedia types that can be put in the content or additional extensions. In addition, we can set a time frame showing the specific content and manage the translation of texts.

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Header random graphic module

The site has an algorithm that allows to assign graphic to different parts of the site. The algorithm looks for graphics assigned to the page and displays one, randomly selected from these graphic. Graphics hasn't got the width restriction. With the increasing width of the visible image area is also increasing, which is glued to the right site of the page. While developing the system, this module has changed. We were putting a different graphics on the loaded panorama. Finally only rounded on the right side.

In addition,we have implemented a separate module that displays visitor a special banner on the first visit to the site (and after half an hour after the last view). This allows less important information to be more visible , but if visitor is not interested, we do not we occupy space in the top of the page.


We have created a module that allows anyone to send electronic-card. Small pictures and patterns are presented to user to allow the menu to view pages by category. When you click on the pattern the form is shown  with a larger version of graphic design and the fields reminiscent of the back of a postcard. After completing and submitting the form, the recipient gets an email with the address to see the cards, and the sender confirmation message is sent.

E-cards administrating is based on adding a new image using a standard Typo3 interface. You can also watch sent cards list on which are also unread cards.


We have created a weather forecast module for Olsztyn using data supplied by MeteoGroup.pl. The data is supplied as a xml file, we have created our own graphics presenting the the weather condition.

The module does not require any administration, data is collecting automatically.

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Gallery bar

A simple bar created in flasj is scrolling list of the latest photos from the gallery. When you move the mouse on an arrow, the pictures are moving. The plugin does not require the administration, it gets data from the gallery assigned to the domain and it can be placed on any page.

In addition, we have placed the bar with the partner logos and important companies for the city. When you move the mouse it smoothly change the speed of animation, the animation can be stopped for a moment by placing mouse  in the middle of the bar or retreat by placing mouse on the left side of the animation. When the mouse pointer leaves the bar, the animation smooth slow returns to normal scrolling. The name of the partner is shown over each logo. By clicking on any logo you can open the page in a new window.

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Textbooks market

Module that allows Internet users to publish a desire to sell used textbooks. The module has a search engine. In the price field, users can also enter text data, for example,"20PLN" to negotiate". This is a deliberate procedure to simplify the use of the module, allowing users greater freedom for the exchange of books.

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Education institutions search engine

We have created a search engine module that allows to search for education institutions in Olsztyn.

Search can find the schools on the basis of data such as name, address but also by districts which include an address. Districts are based on the streets inserted in the administrative part of using a street list Olsztyn received from the Olsztyn City Office. This module allows you to select individual streets or even individual numbers on the street.

Searched schools can be viewed in list or map with the selected districts of these schools.

The administrative module allows you to enter and view all the educational institutions and informations such as, units engaged in, the directors ... and the selection on the map the exact location and the area covered by the unit. Administrator should also select the streets and the numbers assign to a given district, it is unfortunately not possible to automatically designate the information on the basis of the selected area on the map.

The list of streets and numbers automatically consolidates selected streets in the ranges of numbers, or if all or none numbers are are selected, adds a whole street to the field with the selected addresses. This allows to generate a shorter list and is easier to identify the selected ranges.

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Events Calendar

We have created a calendar to enter events on Olsztyn. The module has a button that allows subscribe events via RSS browsers, showing the list of events that take place in the near future. We can see when the events are held in selected day of the month, using the navigation buttons. Hovering the mouse on the selected day shows which categories of events taking place that day, and clicking takes you to a page listing events for the day.

Administration of the events using a standard interface that allows Typo3 add events and categories. Each event has a name, place and time of which takes place, in addition, you can specify the visibility of the event, for example, that disappeared a few days after the event or came up only a few days before him.

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City office phonebook

This is the module that contains contact information for all staff members of the Olsztyn City Office. Allows you to search by department, position held and name.

Administration is via a standard Typo3 interface.

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Recommended links

At the bottom of each page is a list of links recommended for the department, divided into different categories. This allows Internet users to read the main pages. This list can be set separately for each department through a simple Typo 3 interface. Additionally, in each language list of recommended links may be different for example, to better match it to the needs of tourists or foreign visitors pay attention to the most important information for them.

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The subpage presentation in the drop-down banner

This module allows to select a sub-page to increase its exposure. At the beginning, the selected sub-page is displayed as a banner (showing only the upper part of the content), and after click it develop covering the current page. This drop-down frame only shows the main contents of subpage without side columns and features. This allows Internet users to see sub-page without leaving current page.

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The evolution of graphic design

During the project we proposed several versions of the site appearance. From the graphics having different colors, design elements and their details, pages with same width, to the automatically extending sites. The Olsztyn City Office was analyzing the proposals. The final result is the current website design. Design is same for all six domains. The only individual page detail is a base color selection.

Each domain graphics:

Some of the earlier proposals: