It is automated generator of contracts being based on standard rate nets.


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The outside access

We programmed:
- module of the access of the customer given to the information,
- access to contracts,
- access to the net of flights,
- access to destination of flights,
- module of searching according to many criteria.

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Access to the service for traider

We programmed:
- module to create users account,
- query about the contract,
- query about flights destination,
- module of searching flights with many filters.

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Administration of the service

We programmed:
- module of the customer service, services of the contract (services of the state of advance/transfering to the customer/...), services of the net (approval/refusal), service of the purpose (approval/refusal),
- module of searching according to many criteria,
- sending the rate net to customers (in the PDF format, net according to the geographical zone) to the individual or according to choice (check box),
- supplementing sending (referring to contractual and rate aspects): documents in attachments, messages,
- administration of nets (hierarchy geographic/country/destination zone, on every level definition of the seasonal character, rates and texts with conditions) CSV carried out in the module of the import/export of nets in the format compatible with the program Excel. 

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